If for some reason you don't achieve the results we’re promising you today, you're covered by our “We’ll Fix Your Ads Until You Profit” guarantee.
Assuming you’ve taken the entire course, put in the work by following the training, and you have healthy profit margins, we’ll work with you until your ads are working and are profitable.
We’re not going to create your ads or system for you (you do that while going through the training), but if you can’t get them to work and make you money, we’ll guide you personally until they do.
The typical guarantee you'd see here is a money-back guarantee, but this is much more valuable to you. We ONLY want to work with committed business owners who are serious about ramping up their traffic. Just getting your money back won't do that for you. Instead, we're committed to YOUR success, so we'll put our money where our mouth is and work with you personally until you do succeed with this system.
Try to find many other trainers out there offering this! :-)
Lastly... If you're looking for a way out or an excuse not to do the work before even purchasing or having in mind that you'll just ask for a refund, you're not a good fit.
We put SO much one-on-one time with every member that this is almost like a consulting offer relationship. And because of that, we ONLY want to work with fully committed people.